See what the AI road traffic counter can do for you

Classify and count vehicles
We recognize 5 vehicle classes in the standard mode and 12+ classes in the extended mode. Organize classes in your custom groups. For example, put cars, vans and pickups into the group ‘Class B’

Count pedestrians
The system counts vehicles and people simultaneously. You can choose to capture people by their bodies or by faces.

Measure speed and in-zone time
You can change Ads rotation frequency depending on the average speed of traffic flow. Build a time series chart to see how the average speed at a certain road segment changes over time.

Recognize cars’ make and model.
Knowing the car models you can learn, for example, the share of premium cars in the total traffic flow. The system can provide not just a single number, but build a chart that shows the counts over a chosen time interval.

Obfuscate objects to meet legal requirements
The system can automatically put pixel masks over the objects or even cover the whole regions of the frame if you want to save reference snapshots, but avoid saving any personal details.

Add an automated self-monitoring
The recognition algorithm can help you with monitoring of your LED screen. It will alert you, if a part of LED screen is showing nothing. Both, traffic flow analytics and LED self-monitoring can run on the same machine.

The accuracy is our top priority
We use a set of the most advanced neural recognition and computer vision technologies to provide you with data that you can trust. Learn what we do to offer you the best possible quality: Recognition accuracy »

The system is easy to install

Use regular hardware
In order to analyse video you need a standard PC or an Embedded PC with GPU. Install RD Analytics software on your computer, connect IP-camera or upload your video files - and you’re ready to go.

Scale up gradually
The simplest case you record video on an IP-camera’s SD-card, upload it to your RD Analytics and run post-analysis. Next, to receive continuous real-time statistics you add ’live’ video streams. And finally, as soon as the number of target locations grows, you add remote processing servers and cameras, growing your traffic analysis system from a single PC to a countrywide solution. See details about RD Analytics architecture »

Your data stays with you
RD Analytics is 100% autonomous and doesn’t require an Internet connection. The recognition runs on your computers within your LAN or can be deployed in your cloud infrastructure. In the both cases you have 100% control of your data.
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